Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why Egg Donors Often Face Controversies?

A fertile woman who voluntarily gives one or more of her eggs (the number is usually between 10 and 15) so that they can be used either for biomedical research or assisted reproduction is called an egg donor. Assisted reproduction means helping a woman who either lack their own egg or have their eggs that are not of good quality to become pregnant. These donor eggs are used only after IVF or in vitro fertilization has failed multiple times. They are also used for women suffering from either elevated FSH levels or premature ovarian failure. Even women who are over 43 years of age and want to have a child also make use of these donor eggs.

Egg donors have been and continue to be the subject of controversy. There are arguments on both sides. People who object to egg donation on the grounds that many of these donors don’t bother where they eggs end up. These eggs could end up in labs where they are dissected for science. Since these eggs still have the ability to produce life, many individuals as well as groups feel that egg donation is wrong.

Another controversy that dogs egg donors is which person has the rights to the donated egg. Does the egg belong to the donor or to the women who receives the egg? Who are the true parents of child is another controversy that will dog these donors.

People opposing egg donation point out that these donors get anything from around 5,000 dollars to 10,000 dollars whenever they participate in a donation cycle. In other words these eggs are not donated, but sold to the wealthy couples.

There are many groups of people who want to use donated eggs. Those who decide to have children late in life, those who are young, but infertile or medically infertile and those who are married but not yet a family.

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