Thursday, February 10, 2011

Metoprolol - a Selective Beta Blocker Drug

Metoprolol is a beta blocker drug. There are different categories under beta blockers and this medication is placed under the selective beta blocker category. It helps in treating both chest pain and high blood pressure. It also helps both treat and prevent heart attacks.

There are a few circumstances where this drug will not be effective. One is where the person taking the medication is allergic to it. Another one is where the person taking the medication is suffering from heart problems (serious ones). These kinds of problems include heart block, sick sinus syndrome, and slow hear rate. Persons who suffer from other problems that include pheochromocytoma , kidney or liver diseases, diabetes, low blood pressure, congestive heart failure, breathing problems including asthma, severe allergies and other such problems.

Metoprolol can seriously impair the reacting time and thinking of the person taking it. So if the person wants to do a task that requires them to be completely alert for example driving, they should not take this drug. Alcohol and this drug should never be mixed because of the adverse effects of the drug are increase by alcohol. If the person wishes to stop taking this drug they should always consult a doctor before doing so. The surgeon who is performing surgery on the patient should be told in advance that the person is taking this medication and that too well in advance.

People should realize that taking this drug is only a part of the treatment for hypertension. The other parts of the treatment include a proper diet, daily exercising and taking the other medications that the doctor prescribes.

Pregnant or wanting to be pregnant women should tell their doctor that about them taking Metoprolol. There are chances that this drug might affect the unborn baby, though it has not been proved. The same goes for nursing mothers as there are chances the drug might reach the nursing baby through breast milk. Therefore nursing mothers should always consult their about taking this medication.

Persons taking this drug should never change the dosage without first informing their doctor.

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