Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Various Signs of ADHD


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the full form of ADHD. This disorder usually starts appearing during a person’s early childhood. ADD or attention deficit disorder is the name by which this disorder is commonly known. Containing their spontaneous responses is something people who suffer from this disorder find hard to do. Their spontaneous responses can range from anything including moment to attentiveness and speech.

The signs of ADHD appear in almost all spheres of activity. These include odd sleep cycles, inconsistent performance, physical activities, impulsive, high distractible, poor time management, attention, disorganized, and others.

These people have frequent mood swing that includes feeling emotions on either extreme of spectrum. They also have low tolerance for frustrations.

A small change like a smell, moment or noise can easily distract these people. They tend to daydream often. Able to concentrate only on TV, games of the Nintendo type or activities that are either scary or new to them. Finishing the project they start is almost impossible for them.

They have low tolerance to boredom.

These people are very impulsive in nature and very often find it hard to wait for their turn. They tend to act in haste and they seem to be not capable of learning form their past mistakes.

These people can’t seem to keep things clean and have a habit of either losing or misplacing things.

When it comes to physical activities they fall in either extreme that is being very active or very lethargic. Active ones don’t seem to have the ability to remain still for long periods of time. These have huge amounts of energy and tend to keep fidgeting. The very lethargic ones tend to be couch potatoes and very slow. They have a habit of being physically present only that is their mind is elsewhere.

Deciding what is important to them is a hard task. Doing their own homework is something that they find hard to do. Performing consistently is very difficult for them, be it homework or school work. Time management skills are poor and their sleep habits are not normal. They find it difficult to follow oral instructions when these instructions are multi-stepped.

Having terrible penmanship, forgetting daily routines, talking too much, and having a strong sense of justice, are other signs of ADHD. The fact that the signs of ADHD can appear for a person at any point in their lifetime is true as even adults tend to have this disorder as well.

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