Thursday, February 10, 2011

What are High Blood Pressure Causes?

When the pressure applied on the blood vessel’s walls increases then the person concerned is said to suffer from high blood pressure. It is the job of the arteries to carry the blood pumped out by the heart to other parts. When a person is suffering from high blood pressure his or her heart needs to use extra force to pump the blood to other parts of the body. The arteries can harden up due to high blood pressure and result in the person having heart failure.

There are many high blood pressure causes. These causes include old age, smoking, being overweight, no physical activity, consuming alcohol in excess, genetics, adrenal & thyroid diseases, chronic kidney disease, stress and salt rich diet.

There are two types of high blood pressure – essential and secondary high blood pressure.

Essential high blood pressure causes are not easy to find. One can however identify some of the risk factors involved. Genetic play an important role and it affects men than women. The age as well as the race to which the person belongs to also plays an important role. Compared to whites Afro-American are more prone to getting high blood pressure (almost double the chances). At the age of 44 this gap in chances starts to narrow down. The person’s lifestyle and eating habits also have a role to play. A diet that is poor in magnesium, calcium, and potassium, consuming alcohol in excess, obesity, diabetes no physical activity, and stress are some of the factors that are linked with this kind of blood pressure.

Secondary high blood pressure causes on the other hand are easy to determine. The cause that has the highest ranking is Kidney diseases. Estrogen rich birth control pills can also cause the person to suffer from high blood pressure. Some of the other causes include medications that are used t constrict blood vessels can cause high blood pressure. Pregnancies can sometimes cause high blood pressure.

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