Thursday, February 10, 2011

Simvastatin - Diminishes Fat and Bad Cholesterol


Simvastatin belongs to the statin group of drugs. The purpose of this drug is to reduce the amount of fat and bad cholesterol present in the blood. It also increases the amount of good cholesterol present in the blood. All of this is possible only if the patient follows a proper diet. This helps the patient by making sure that the amount of cholesterol that the liver makes is reduced. By doing so reduces the patient’s chances of suffering from heart diseases. It also reduces the patient’s chances of suffering from either heart attacks or strokes.

The effectiveness of simvastatin is increased if the patients follow a proper diet and makes changes to their lifestyle. The changes in lifestyle include reducing one’s weight if one is overweight. Patients are advised to exercise regularly and not smoke so that the drugs effectiveness increases. The dosage of this drug must be decided by the doctor. The doctor will decide the dosage based on many factors that include the age of the patient, the body’s response to the treatment, and the medication they are already taking. If the patient is taking any other medication including herbal products, nonprescription and prescription drugs, they should inform their doctor about it.

Drinking grapefruit juice or eating grapefruit should be totally avoided while taking this medication, unless prescribed by your doctor. This is because the amount of this medication present in the patient’s blood stream.

Simvastatin is not without side-effects. If not taken regularly the medication can cause problems in the muscles and in very rare case result in the patient developing rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis is a very serious condition. If the patient develops weakness/tenderness/muscle pain along with either unusual tiredness or fever they should report it to their doctor. In case the amount of urine changes it too should be brought to the doctor’s notice.

Even though the medication very rarely affects the liver, the patient should inform the doctor if they have any of these symptoms – persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, dark urine and yellow skin or eyes.

The drug rarely causes an allergic reaction in patients. One must seek medical attention if they face trouble breathing, severe dizziness, itching or swelling (particularly in the throat, tongue, face) and rash.

For more information about the various interactions this drug will have with other medications as well as the precautions to be taken consult a doctor.

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