Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best providers of Calgary cabinets

Makore Kitchens is well experienced in the art of transforming ordinary looking kitchens into beautiful looking ones. To make these transformations possible they have been closely working with designers, architects, builders and clients. The skilled trades, technical engineers and talented designers are capable of taking care of all aspects of any project starting from the conception stage to the construction stage and to the installation stage. The precision and passion shown by the professionals of this company is well known.

The Calgary cabinets offered by this company are second to none. The company has made cabinets for kitchens, entertainment areas, and bathrooms.

The cabinets are designed to suit both the different kinds of kitchen ambiences and layouts. The three different kinds of kitchen ambiences are traditional, transitional, and contemporary while the three different kitchen layouts are U-shaped kitchens, L-shaped kitchens, and gallery kitchens. The Calgary cabinets are designed in different ways so that they fit different combinations of ambiences and layouts. For example one can have a kitchen with a transitional ambience and a U-shaped layout.

The Calgary cabinets that are designed for the entertainment areas and bathrooms are both practical and stylish. In fact one can guess the both the owners taste and lifestyle by looking at them. These cabinets do not stick out like a sour thumb because they are designed to match with the building’s already existing architecture. The owners have a sense of pride when they show the entertainment areas, bathrooms, and kitchens to their guests.

The cabinets are Scientific Certification Systems certified as 93 percent of all the materials used to make them come from recycled content.

The cabinet designs are sustainable and the professionals at Makore Kitchens strongly believe in supporting sustainable designs to the maximum extent possible. The company has been certified by both the ESP (Environmental Stewardship Program) and the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). The company has membership in the Canada Green Building Council.

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