Tuesday, February 8, 2011

ZIFT – Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer

ZIFT is the short form for Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer. It is the procedure of placing embryos into the fallopian tube directly. This procedure makes it possible for the embryo to develop in an environment that is most natural to them. In other words they are not developed in an artificial environment found in IVF laboratories. This procedure is very helpful if the woman concerned is more than 40 years old. Women who have tried to become pregnant through IVF many times and never did succeed.

The main controversy surrounding ZIFT is that couples may use this procedure to determine whether their child is a boy or a girl. In other words it could be used as a form of sex discrimination. One of the major drawbacks with this method is multiple births.

There have been cases where the woman concerned gave birth to triplets.

ZIFT is actually a process that combines both IVF and GIFT. The average time needed to complete on such cycle is around five weeks. During the first stage the women has to take a drug that will stimulate her ovaries to produce more eggs. Once these eggs mature they are collected. These mature eggs are put in a fluid that contains sperms. In short they are fertilized outside the body. The doctor then places these fertilized eggs back into the woman’s fallopian tube using a procedure known as laparoscopy. If this method is to succeed then the woman in concern should have at least one of her fallopian tubes working.

This method is not suitable if the woman in concern suffers from either fallopian tube related problems or has ectopic pregnancies. The method is also useful if the man in concern suffers from low sperm count. This method is however not very popular even though the result is positive if done correctly. The number of couples choosing to undergo this method seems to be declining.

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